Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Fall Part 2

Camu’s “The Fall” was again discussed today. Group 5 lead the class by a well organized plan; each person in the group was responsible for a certain theme that they found relavent to the reading. The five themes were manipulation, righteousness, shame, pride and “jaumness". Before each theme they performed a skit, which was a metaphor for the theme being presented. 

My favorite skit was on manipulation, where a man helps a blind person across the street but only so that society views that person as a gentlemen. I loved the way they took an innocent situation and made the person a bad guy. The whole point of the manipulation was that after the gentlemen helped the blind person across the street, the gentlemen tipped his hat to the blind person. The tipping of his hat was deemed worthless and only for others to acknowledge that he did a good deed. I think that doing small acts or rituals like that are common and are done regardless of whether the person on the receiving end cares.

When I was in high school, I worked at my look Fry’s grocery store as a courtesy clerk aka the bag boy. As a courtesy clerk  you are supposed to greet the customer, ask whether they want paper or plastic, ask if they need help out, and then give them a friendly goodbye. I said to almost every customer, “Have a nice day”. One day, my mom came through my line and I gave her a hug and a kiss, and after helping her I told to just “Have a nice day”. I felt so bad that I actually said, “No, wait, Have a great day”. I said that line so much that I feel the sentence lost its meaning to the people I truly wished to “Have a nice day”. I wanted my words to actually mean something. I’m sorry that got off topic, but maybe to the gentleman, tipping his hat had become so familiar that it lost its meaning.

The main theme of the class discussion was on how if a person recognizes that they are not innocent that it raises up how good one is. This reminds me of certain people’s opinions where they believe that perfect is impossible to achieve. Then doesn’t it become how close to perfect can we get? Even if nobody is innocent or perfect we should still strive to become as close as possible.

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